Your questions answered
Further information on how our centre will be operating at this time.
Do I need to wear a face mask/face covering?
Wearing a face-covering is no longer be mandatory in indoor venues such as shopping centres. However, visitors and staff may feel free to continue to wear a face-covering during their visit.
What type of face covering can I wear?
A face covering is something that safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face coverings. You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these must securely fit around the side of the face.
Will you allow people to come into the centre if they don’t have a face covering?
Wearing a face-covering is no longer mandatory in indoor venues such as shopping centres. However, visitors and staff may feel free to continue to wear a face-covering during their visit.
Will you supply a face covering for visitors if they need one?
Unfortunately, we will not be supplying face coverings to our visitors.
How will you enforce this?
We will not enforce the wearing of face coverings in centre. Wearing a face-covering is no longer be mandatory in indoor venues such as shopping centres. However, visitors and staff may feel free to continue to wear a face-covering during their visit.
I work in one of your stores, do I need to wear a face covering?
Wearing a face-covering will no longer be mandatory in indoor venues such as shopping centres. However, visitors and staff may feel free to continue to wear a face-covering during their visit.
What about the in-mall units, will people running those need to wear face coverings?
Wearing a face covering will is longer be mandatory in indoor venues such as shopping centres. However, visitors and staff may feel free to continue to wear a face covering during their visit.
Is Eldon Square remaining open with its usual opening hours or have they changed?
Eldon Square’s opening hours are 9am – 7pm Monday – Wednesday, 9am – 8pm Thursday, 9am – 7pm Friday and Saturday and 11am – 5pm Sunday. Store times will vary so please check with the retailer direct. Please visit their website for more information.
How is Eldon Square going to keep the centre safe?
We are doing everything we can to make sure our centre is a safe place to visit and work. Hand sanitiser is available throughout our centre and at the entrances, for use as people come inside and throughout their visit with us. Soap and hot water are also available in our toilet facilities and we ask that people wash their hands regularly. We are asking everyone to play their part too and help us defeat the virus by following the instructions provided by our teams. And to stay at home if you are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms.
What about the restaurants? Will they be open for business?
Our restaurants and cafes are now open for in-door and/or outside dining. We would ask visitors to check the relevant brands websites for more information.
Have Eldon Square staff been specially trained to manage this new way of shopping?
Yes, all staff have been through specific guidance/training to carry out their duties in the new way of working.
What sort of PPE will staff be wearing in the centre?
Wearing a face covering will no longer be mandatory in indoor venues such as shopping centres. However, staff may continue to wear a face covering.
Will Eldon Square be providing any type of PPE for visitors, like masks and/or gloves?
No, as this is not a requirement by Government. However, all our visitors are welcome to wear face coverings and gloves whilst in the centre.
What steps will Eldon Square take if people do not observe social distancing guidelines?
We will be asking everyone who visits our centres to follow official guidelines, the instructions provided by our teams as well as the safety information that will be widely visible and available. Our teams are familiar with the guidance and will be reminding people to keep a safe distance. Anyone refusing to do so will be asked to leave the centre immediately. If we feel that people are deliberately breaking the guidelines and risking the safety of those around them, we won’t hesitate to call the police. At times like these we simply cannot allow the actions of individuals to potentially threaten the safety of everyone else.
What will we have in place for visitors with mobility issues who would ordinarily need the use of seating whilst visiting us?
Shopmobility is currently unavailable in Eldon Square. Alternatively, you can access Newcastle City Council Shopmobility on level 4 of Eldon Garden shopping centre, adjacent to Eldon Square. You can contact Shopmobility direct on 0191 261 6176.
From 17 May, we will partially reinstate seating on the malls. We will also have team members throughout the malls to help with any additional support you may require.
Will I still be able to buyYe gift cards?
Yes, The Eldon Square Gift Card is available to buy now, in centre, at our customer service desk outside Fenwick or online.
When will Click & Collect services be available?
Unfortunately, our collect+ services have been paused and will continue to remain unavailable for the time being. Alternatively, visitors can use the Amazon Lockers which are located next to the Clayton Street entrance.
Are customer service desks open?
Our Customer Service Desk near Fenwick is open, however desks near Apple and Grey’s Quarter will be temporarily closed. If you have a query while in centre, please just ask a member of staff on the mall who will be happy to help!