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Sensory Sunday Free Family Event – 6 April

Eldon Square are supporting Autism Acceptance Week with a free, fun and immersive Sensory Sunday event on Sunday 6 April.

Join us between 10am and 2pm for a carefully curated range of sensory-friendly activities, in partnership with North East Autism Society, The Chronicle Sunshine Fund, and Percy Hedley Foundation.

Date: Sunday 6 April 2025

Time: 10am – 2pm. To ensure a calm and comfortable environment, we’re hosting a dedicated Quiet Hour from 10am to 11am, before the shops open at 11am.

Location: Community Quarter, Upper Grey’s Quarter, Eldon Square (opposite ChaTime)

This event is free of charge and no ticket is required. 

What to expect at Sensory Sunday:

  • Colouring Zone – upon arrival, children will take part in a fun ice-breaker activity with colouring sheets and crayons to get creative!
  • Texture Exploration – children will have the opportunity to safely explore different textures with sensory matts, texture bean bags and sensory scarves and fidget tubes.
  • Story Time Zone – an interactive group story time session as well as lift the flap/touch-and-feel style books if children wish to read independently.
  • Busy boards and more!

The North East Autism Society, The Chronicle Sunshine Fund, and Percy Hedley Foundation will be attending the event and available to provide advice and support on the work they do. Find out more about the organisations below:

The North East Autism Society

The North East Autism Society is a registered charity and for 45 years they have provided bespoke services for autistic and neurodivergent children, young people, adults and their families.

The services include education for children aged 3-19, post-16 education and social/vocational training along with supported and open employment opportunities for adults. Within the care services, they provide year-round residential placements and supported living services. The charity works directly with parents and carers, offering family support which includes short breaks, support in the home, evening and weekend activities.

Find out more about North East Autism Society click here or call 0191 410 9974.

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund

The Sunshine Fund is one of the longest-standing charities in the North East, which is coming up to its 100th anniversary. The small charity funds specialist and adapted equipment for children aged 0 – 19 across the North East region.

The equipment they fund is unavailable through the NHS or Local Authority, yet can make a significant impact on improving the daily lives of local young people, their families, and their wider communities.

In addition to funding equipment, the charity provides support and guidance to parents and carers through a support line, as well as facilitating inclusive and accessible days out, activities and events for the families they support. Click here for more information.

Percy Hedley Foundation

The Percy Hedley Foundation is a disability charity based in North East England.  We support people with complex learning difficulties, disabilities and additional communication needs.  We provide special education, care, support, accommodation and lifelong learning opportunities at our two schools, college, homes and Horizons lifelong learning service. Find out more here.

Quiet Hours

At Eldon Square, inclusivity isn’t just for one day—we are committed to making shopping accessible for all. We proudly host Quiet Hours every Tuesday (10am – 11am) and Saturday (9am – 10am), where music and lighting are reduced to create a more comfortable atmosphere for visitors. Click here to find out more.

To further enhance your experience, Sensory Bags are available for hire at the Customer Service Desk with a refundable £20 cash deposit. Created in partnership with the North East Autism Society, these bags include noise-cancelling headphones, fidget toys, and egg timers to provide reassurance and ease transitions during shopping trips. (Subject to availability – visit the Customer Service desk outside of Fenwick for more information.) Click here to find out more.

Join us at Eldon Square on 6 April and be part of this wonderful event!