Mission Christmas Cash for Kids 2023
Once again, we are celebrating the true spirit of Christmas as Cash for Kids, Mission Christmas is back. This year more than ever, the charity needs your help to ensure children wake up on Christmas morning with a gift.
Cash for Kids
Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity helping children that need it most across the UK.
Their mission is to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in our communities who are affected by poverty, illness, neglect, or additional needs. The charity believes that all children should express their individuality, achieve their potential and live life to the full.
Mission Christmas
One in four children living in the UK is classed as living in poverty, and for families in need, the prospect of purchasing Christmas presents can be particularly daunting or simply unachievable. The Mission Christmas campaign aims to provide a disadvantaged local child with a present to open on Christmas morning.
Make a Donation
Visitors to the centre are encouraged to buy an extra present while doing their Christmas shopping, no matter how big or small. This can then be dropped off at our Mission Christmas donation box, located next to the Customer Service Desk outside of Fenwick, from Monday 13 November to Tuesday 19 December 2023.
Donated gifts should be suitable for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years and need to be new and unwrapped so that they can be allocated to a child of the appropriate age.

For more information, visit the charity page here.