Platinum Jubilee Bench to Commemorate the Queen
To celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we have partnered with local charity Key Enterprise to design a commemorative bench, located outside of Fenwick and Boots.
Key Enterprises is known for providing experiences for its service users, building social skills, creating a sense of belonging and challenging the inherent isolation many experience. Through their involvement with the charity, individuals develop practical skills in a supportive real-work setting whilst building confidence.
Our bespoke bench was hand-made from FSC certified timber supplied by Hudson Timber. A team of six worked together to build this memorable masterpiece, which involved cutting the wood, screwing, glueing, sanding and adding the finishing touches to the bench. The hard-working team have pride in knowing the bench celebrates a significant milestone and that tens of thousands will see their efforts.
Stop by on your next visit while you are shopping or dining to pause, have a seat, and reflect on the queen’s 70 years of service.

Remember, we’re open ’til 8pm every Thursday and restaurants are open even later. Find out more here.